November 2023 Ministry


Activities and Ministry this Fall!

Date: Nov 07, 2023 Posted by: Pastor Rickey Martin, Sr.


GREETINGS TO YOU! What a year this has been bringing ministry to Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi. The impact of your giving has brought about great encouragement, inspiration, including medically, helping a lot of people, and providing food they otherwise would not have had. Again, Ruth and I thank you for your interest and charitable hearts! Without you we would not have been able to have extended God’s love to them. RUTH AND I WILL BE RETURNING TO UGANDA IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2024. I will be again teaching for two weeks at the YABC Bible College in a remote village called Buvvi. We will also be ministering in churches, rekindling friendships with many pastors as well as personally seeing the fruits of your faithful giving. We would greatly appreciate your help as we will travel there next year with your financial encouragement and with your prayers.


But for now, we are including in this newsletter a visual representation of your generosity. As you view the pictures, know that you’ve made a great difference in the lives of many Africans. FIRST, here are some pictures of the church facility we are building in Kigalama, Uganda near the Rwandan border. The first picture is their current meeting place followed by pictures of the progress being made in their new building under construction. The rafters are currently being cut, and the steel sheets for the roof have been purchased. Soon the roof will be completed.

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SECOND, we continue to give monthly financial support to Yesu Akwagala Bible College instructors, staff, and students. This aid develops future ministers, elders and Christian education in local assemblies as well as contributes to the expansion of the Gospel by graduating students beginning new churches and evangelism projects throughout Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Tanzania. Every year the school graduates expand the ministry of Jesus bringing hope to countless Africans. Praise the Lord!

THIRDLY, we provide immediate medical aid, food, rent or tuition aid to countless others. Sometimes this aid is to Pastor’s families, Evangelistic Outreaches and other people recommended by our Field Representative David Kabonge. There have been excellent fruits from these provisions. For example, Molly Namwogerere, Mable Nyange Mukisa, Anita Nsubuga, Fred Mwanje, Alex Kalema, Nyombi Moses, and a host of others have brought forth great results through your support. We’re so proud of them all!

Image One college graduate, Molly Namwogerere, joined an apprenticeship program called Teach Uganda. She completed two years of teaching a classroom of students in a very remote village which at one point numbered 250+in her class! She continued to help students and families by bringing outside help to provide over 1,500 shoes to kids in the village and uniforms for some. We are so proud of her efforts for Christ and love for underprivileged children. She started a program to help these children get an education called Spark Hope. She knows personally what it is to be raised in poverty with no hope.


There are still many needs to be met at the Bible College. For example: tuition fees, guild fees, computer lab updates, new and better desks and lighting . . . just to mention a few. Also improved general funding for the school is required since there are new students and costs are rising. Although their needs are greater than their current resources, they are not complainers. They simply keep their faith strong believing and asking God for the provision needed . . . and it comes in!

Would you join Ruth and I as we do our best to aid and encourage them? Together we can make a major difference. As we give . . . God will make it to be more than enough!