May Article

May Activities and Ministry Progress
Date: June 7, 2022 Posted by:Pastor Rickey Martin, Sr.
PASTOR PAUL ISABIRYE serves in a remote village about 120 kilometers
from the capital Kampala. He is an industrious man for the Lord. He and his wife Florence have a compassionate heart for
the lost, the hurting, and poor. It is in Mitiyana District that they have settled their hearts to work for the Lord.
With a small congregation incapable of financially providing for their pastor; they have been entrepenureal. Paul gains
income by barbering, Florence by running a small grocery store out of their home. In addition, they buy coffee beans and
then resell them to others in Kampala. They raise their own pigs, goats, and garden to feed their family. Nothing is too
humble for them to do in order to have the means of staying in their village and present Christ to all who will hear them.
Feeling compelled by the Spirit, I have had a burden for them since January 2022. They currently meet at church in a temporary thatch-roofed structure that was unstable and needed to be replaced. It fact, it fell down during a recent wind storm. I tried considering all the options for helping but saw none that were feasible.
Then, Praise the Lord, one of Restoration's consistent donors felt compelled to give out of their compassionate heart a large donation. This became the means for starting the church building program in phases there in Mitiyana, Uganda.
Now after months of labor, the structure is up and the roof is on. The doors and window frames are installed except for the glass and the floor inside is still dirt. Yet the prospects in the future are bright! Why? Because of Restoration Ministries, you and others who partner with us. What a great success story this is so far!
There is more to do to complete the project: floors, plaster for the interior and exterior, glass for the windows and as you can see.... the floors are not yet filled with concrete which is all mixed by hand. The need for a smooth floor is obvious. Will you help?
Here are some pictures of the construction and its results. . .